Saturday, March 31, 2012

dream job?

i used to envy my sister's job. she's doing marketing so she's having appointments, meetings, lunch invitations outside all the time. i wanted that kind o job. a job that doesnt need me to slouch in front o the PC the whole day long, a job that lets me escape the office environment at least 4 days a week, a job that allows me to go places. but i'm not a marketing person, so how wud a job like that ever be possible? i was supposed to be a teacher, remember? & i did commit myself for almost 7 years. & there wasnt much travelling. teachers dont travel much anyway, at least not work-related.

but now, although i'm stil not doing marketing, my current job does require me to go places once a while. being a 'kaki jalan', i'm more than ok wit that. however, being a single mom, being maidless & having committed in sending & fetching ahmad nani from sch, my job sorta needs arrangement as not to affect my son's schooling. if the dates fall on weekend, i'd bring him along. if it's weekdays... errr. so far it has always bn weekend. coz i'm the one who proposes the dates. & also the venue ;) & the food. & the rooms. & the backdrops + the wordings.

so last few weeks, aft 'bt a month o preparation,  hundreds emails & phone calls, countless bargaining, finally we had our brainstorming session @ pulai springs resort. it was my 1st big event involving the top guns. ceo was there & all HODs. even our group managing director dato' AA was there. & our chairman too, tan sri MJH. alhamdulillah everything went smooth. there were o course hiccups along the way but nothing major.

the facilitators. the think tanks.

the table arrangements. 


that's our ceo giving opening remark

nite session. bbq & karaoke. wit red & black theme.

everyone was in red & black :) 

that's our singing ceo performing 'hanya engkau yg mampu'. & we thot he'd be performing some song fr the 70s! :p

that's my director. woohooo!

that's our GE for nst

& that's GE harian metro

the most entertaining performance. he was singing 'kau ilhamku', that explains why he needed 'ilham' there ;p

even ahmad nani was clad in red & black 

wit uncle nizam who was kind enuf to replace me coz we had 2 rush back that nite even b4 the bbq & karaoke session ended. 

yup. we had to rush back coz ahmad nani had exam the nxt day. i left the program at 10pm and reached home at around 130am. 

so, where's the nxt venue? there'll be a sales conference in may. penang? cherating? i was thinking o redang or tioman :)


  1. Selalunya ssh kn nk dpt apa yg kita nk..kita mmg bdk marketing..masa study husband dh keje kt tv3..kita pn berangan nk mcm dia..keje kt somewhere around Tuhan lbh tahu apa yg baik utk hambanya..x grad lg..dia dpt job kt hometown dia..jd kita pon doklah kltn..keje pn yg x relate ngan course kita..2 thn keje..quit..jaga ank..mula2 mmg ssh nk trima..kena dok kg n lama2 kita treasure sendiri..akhirnya kita rasa sesungguhnya hnya Dia tahu apa yg terbaik utk impian ttp ada..semoga satu hari nti kita semua berjaya capai impian msg2,yg pasti impian selari dgn semua yg kita sayang n yg syg kita jugak!

  2. I've been doing marketing n event coordination like forever. Suka sgt tp rasa dh cukup. Mmg syg nk tinggalkan keje yg kita suka. Wie, try laguna redang. Mmg best!

  3. saya suka kerja depan pc. senang nak ambil anak from school.(kalau driver saya tak free)

  4. yana --> couldnt agree wit u more :)

    rozie --> i think tis job mmg suits u. dh la kau sgt pay attention 2 lil details. bleh la blaja byk fr u :)

    hajja --> ni br nk masuk 2 years, stil rs seronok. sok masuk 3rd year x tau lah larat lagi ke x... ;p
